The #1 Roofing & Construction Company in New York

Why Choose Mark's Roofing & Construction

If you need a new roof or repairs in New York, Mark’s Roofing & Construction is your best choice. We know New York’s buildings well, whether old houses, modern homes, small commercial buildings, or tall skyscrapers.

Our team listens to your needs and ensures your roof looks great and fits your home’s style.

We’re not just good at what we do; we’re efficient. When you sign on with us, we always aim to deliver beyond your expectations. Plus, we will always keep you in the loop. We want you to feel happy and involved in making your roof the best it can possibly be.

Our Comprehensive Roofing Services

At Mark’s Roofing & Construction, we offer a wide range of roofing services that are perfect for anyone in New York and New Jersey. We do more than just fix roofs; we make sure they’re the best they can be for your home. Let’s talk about what we can do for you!

Expert Roof Replacements

Making Old Roofs New Again

Sometimes, roofs get old and need to be replaced. We're experts at putting on new roofs. We'll help you pick the right materials and design that fit your house and the weather in New York. With a new roof from us, your home will look great and stay safe from rain and snow.

Reliable Roof Repairs

Fixing Roofs the Right Way

Roofs can get damaged from storms or just wear out over time. But don't worry, we can fix it! We find the problem and repair it so that your roof is as good as new. We ensure the repairs last a long time, so you don't have to worry about them again soon.

Preventive Roof Maintenance

Keeping Roofs Strong

It's important to take care of your roof before problems start. We offer maintenance services to check your roof and fix small issues before they become big problems. This helps your roof last longer and saves you money in the long run.

Thorough Roof Inspections

Checking Every Part of Your Roof

We look at every part of your roof to make sure everything is okay. This is especially important after bad weather. Our team checks to see if there's any damage and suggests what to do next. This way, you can feel safe knowing your roof is in good shape.

Get in Touch With Mark’s Roofing & Construction
Start Your New Project Today

Ready to make your home even better with Mark’s Roofing & Construction? We’re excited to help you! Whether you need a new roof, repairs, or other home services, we’re just a phone call away. Contact us now for your free consultation!

Beyond the Roof – Our Additional Services

In New York and New Jersey, a house needs more than just a good roof. That’s why Mark’s Roofing & Construction offers other services to make your home look great and stay safe. Let’s explore what else we can do for you!

Durable and Stylish Siding Solutions

Siding That Stands Out: Siding is like a coat for your house. It makes it look nice and protects it too. We have lots of different styles and colors, so you can choose what's best for your home. Our siding is strong and lasts a long time, keeping your house safe from rain, snow, and wind.

Gutters – Essential for New York’s Weather

Gutters That Work Great: Gutters are really important for your house. They help rainwater flow away, so it doesn't damage your home. Our gutters are made to handle New York's weather, from heavy rain to snow. We make sure they're put on right and work well, so you don't have to worry about water problems.

Storm Damage Restoration

Fixing Homes After Storms: Storms can be tough on houses. If your home gets damaged, we can help fix it. We check everything, from the roof to the walls, and make sure everything is repaired properly. We work fast, so your home is back to normal as soon as possible.

Exterior Painting – Revitalize Your Home

Painting for a Fresh Look: A new coat of paint can make your house look brand new. We have lots of colors to choose from. Our team does a great job painting, making sure it looks smooth and lasts a long time. A fresh paint job not only makes your home look great but also helps protect it from the weather.

Our Commitment to Quality and Safety

At Mark’s Roofing & Construction, we promise to always give you our best effort. Quality and safety are really important to us. We want you to be happy and feel safe with the work we do on your home.

Quality in Every Nail and Shingle

Only the Best for Your Home: We pick the best materials for your roof and home. Our team is licensed and trained to do excellent work. Whether we're fixing a small leak or building a whole new roof, we pay attention to every little detail. This means your roof will look good and last a long time.

Safety First, Always

Keeping Everyone Safe: Safety is our top rule. We make sure our team follows all the safety protocols when they work. This keeps them and your home safe. We also teach our team about the newest safety methods so they always know the best ways to do their jobs safely.

With Mark’s Roofing & Construction, you can trust that your roof and home are in good hands. We care about making your home safe and keeping it looking great for years to come.

Serving the Heart of New York and Beyond

New York is like a big family of different places, each with its own style and story. At Mark’s Roofing & Construction, we’re proud to work in all these special neighborhoods. Whether you live in a cozy house in Staten Island or a tall building in Manhattan, we know just what your home needs.

Brooklyn, NY – A Blend of Old and New

Keeping Brooklyn's Charm Alive: Brooklyn is full of beautiful old buildings and exciting new ones. We work carefully to make sure our roofing and construction services match the character of each part of Brooklyn. From classic brownstones to modern apartments, we make every roof in Brooklyn look great and stay strong.

Queens, NY – Diverse and Vibrant

Roofing for Queens' Unique Homes: Queens is known for its diversity, and so are its houses. We're experts at finding the right solutions for every kind of home in Queens, making sure they look good and are safe from the city's busy weather.

Bronx, NY – Strong and Spirited

Roofing That Matches the Bronx's Energy: The Bronx is a place full of energy and history. Our team knows how to work with the different styles of homes here, making sure each one gets the strong, reliable roofing it needs.

Staten Island, NY – Quiet and Quaint

Caring for Staten Island's Cozy Homes: In Staten Island, where homes are often quieter and more spread out, we bring the same quality and care. We make sure your home stays cozy and protected, no matter what the weather is like.

Manhattan, NY – The City That Never Sleeps

Roofing for the Heart of the City: In busy Manhattan, our work keeps up with the city's fast pace. We offer quick, reliable service so your home or building is always ready, no matter how busy the city gets.

New Jersey

Crossing the River to Serve More Homes: We don't stop at New York. We also help people in parts of New Jersey. Just like in New York, we bring our best work to make sure every home is safe and looks great.

FAQs – Answering Your Questions

At Mark’s Roofing & Construction, we know you might have questions about roofing and our services. Here are some answers to help you understand more about what we do!

How long does it take to replace a roof?

Replacing a roof can be different each time. Usually, it takes a few days. We work fast, but we also make sure to do everything right so your new roof is perfect.

Can you fix my roof in the winter?

Yes, we can! We know how to fix roofs in all kinds of weather, even in New York’s cold winters. We take extra care to make sure everything is safe and done well.

What kind of materials do you use for roofs?

We use many different materials, like shingles, metal, and more. We pick the best one for your home and what you need. All our materials are strong and last a long time.

Do you help if my roof gets damaged in a storm?

Absolutely! If a storm hurts your roof, call us. We’ll come quickly to check your roof and fix any damage so your home is safe again.

Get in Touch With Mark’s Roofing & Construction – Start Your New Project Today

Ready to make your home even better with Mark’s Roofing & Construction? We’re excited to help you! Whether you need a new roof, repairs, or other home services, we’re just a phone call away. Contact us now for your free consultation!